What is Nocoly? What’s the difference?

Nocoly is an adverb, describing how we respond to the increasing demand of agile business applications. Enterprises face clear challenges when they buy multiple business suites. These suites are costly, often have overlapping functions, and can be difficult to implement and integrate. No code application platform is marching from “the last resort” to “be first to help” position in the past years. Nocoly HAP reached its maturity through eight years of continuous iteration. So, in a word, Nocoly is a No-Code application and integration platform that has been proven robust, effective and easy to implement.

But, there have been plenty of no code products in the market. What’s the difference?

Simplicity, Comprehensiveness and Coverage

First of all, Nocoly HAP focuses on enterprise backend applications, which means we skip over consumer-facing apps that usually require too much front end freedom. By this important trade-off, HAP uses model-driven methodology primarily. This conceding is worthwhile, because this eliminates the need for complex and specialized tasks like data modeling and control binding. The simplicity can onboard lots of non developers. By dragging visual elements, organized dialog, a business user can create very comprehensive apps without any coding experience.

We take “no code” seriously. It has a world of difference with “low-code” style, that still needs users having devops background. For HAP, we eliminate coding requirements, minimize expression and function features, thus making 99% of jobs truly no code.

For many years, we have been benchmarking HAP with typical business application’s capability. The truth is HAP can recreate the core functionality of most data-centric business apps in a no code way. This includes MS Dynamics’s CRM, PSA, Netsuite’s ERP and Finance, even SAP’s CPQ and Hubspot’s Marketing Automation. Except that we use a patternized user interface which is arguably better or worse.

This might sound ambitious, but for a given growing business, HAP should be the primary software platform for all value chain-related applications. It offers a streamlined application pipeline, whether you build it in-house or with help from vendors. The total cost of ownership will be a fraction of what you’d spend on multiple software suites, and you’ll gain a unified data platform without any silos.

On your own cloud and cloud native

Unlike US products which are offered solely by SaaS model, Nocoly HAP offers both SaaS and Server model. Our server edition runs on any cloud appointed by the customer. We also have on-shelf image on all major cloud marketplace, such as AWS, Azure, Alicloud and Tencent Cloud. This means Nocoly users will have full control of their applications and data.

For the customer’s own cloud deployment, HAP is also designed with cloud native architecture, which means you can expand horizontally. By simply changing the configuration, you can use your own cloud stack, including database, storage and messaging middlewares. HAP’s cloud native capability has been provided to customers with over 100,000 active users. The whole system’s expandability is truly not worse than any SaaS provider. All of these are achieved with a reasonable cost.

The chart below shows the infra diagram of a typical cluster deployment on kubernetes.

Despite the robust and flexible architecture of the HAP Server, its pricing and purchasing threshold remain highly accessible. The user pricing starts at only $49 per year and the minimal buying threshold is only 20 users.

Subscription or pay once

Subscription is a good business model, but it is a cost nightmare when everything needs to be subscribed. According to vendr’s data[1], the average SaaS products subscribed by US customers have exceeded 130. The average spending per user is well above $10,000 per year. Subscription model is also not friendly to VAR partners, because it is difficult to provide partners with more customer acquisition incentive.

Nocoly is determined to provide flexible choices. For server edition, the customers can choose a flat subscription or pay once. This represents a significant cost saving for customers, not to mention the role HAP can play in driving enterprise digitalization with the efficiency of tenfold results.

Going full throttle, supporting partners

Although many enterprise software adopts VAR business model, Nocoly has a strengthened operation to support partners. Because we don’t just see partners as a channel to acquire customers, but also rely on them to complete the loop of vertical solutions.

In addition to reselling authorization, we provide training and sales materials. We also support partners with POC services, one-on-one account assistance, greater discounts than US vendors, and a special “local leads for local partners” operation.

Under LFL operation, we will assign local leads to verified local partners directly. For example, a Jarkata-based partner will get a sales lead from an Indonesian manufacturer. The conversion rate will be further improved by additional vertical segment matching.

In recent years, local ISVs and consulting firms have become accustomed to using low-code tools to provide digital solutions for enterprise clients. Many of them chose Microsoft Power Platform, Outsystems, Mendix or ZOHO creator into their toolbox. As a latecomer, Nocoly realized the importance of VAR partners. That’s why we go the extra mile to fulfill our partner’s needs.

Steady like an old dog

“Steady like an old dog”. This is the exact phrase our partners praise Nocoly. What they talk about is the maturity and stability of the Nocoly product.

For APaaS product users, it’s annoying when the basic functionality is missing or flawed. For partners, it is even more frustrating when delivering a project for customers. Nocoly puts reliability, usability and ability to debug as top three priorities. Adding a rich documentation and 1 on 1 partner support, our partners feel very reassured.

Nocoly HAP Server has a unique advantage when it comes to stability. The edition is released after not only a testing process, but also a 30-45 days running on SaaS model. So, it is natural for this server edition to enjoy a much better stability. This is quite a rare arrangement in the enterprise software market.


Nocoly HAP stands out in the crowded no-code platform market by offering a unique blend of simplicity, comprehensiveness, and coverage. Focused on enterprise backend applications, Nocoly skips over consumer-facing apps, using a model-driven approach that allows business users to create complex apps without any coding experience. Unlike low-code platforms, which still require some development skills, Nocoly remains true to its no-code promise, eliminating nearly all coding requirements.

Nocoly has spent years benchmarking itself against leading business applications like MS Dynamics, Netsuite, and SAP, replicating their core functions in a no-code environment. This is a strong and cost-effective option compared to buying several business suites. It offers a single platform for the entire value chain.

Nocoly is flexible in more ways than one. It offers both SaaS and Server editions. The Server edition can be deployed on any major cloud platform like AWS, Azure, Alicloud, and Tencent Cloud. Customers maintain full control over their applications and data, and Nocoly’s cloud-native architecture ensures scalability with ease.

Pricing is flexible, allowing customers to choose between subscription and one-time payment models, offering significant savings over typical SaaS costs. Nocoly doesn’t just consider partners as a sales channel; it relies on them to complete vertical solutions, offering enhanced partner support, including local lead assignments and higher discounts than US vendors.

Finally, stability is Nocoly’s key differentiator. Partners praise its maturity and reliability, knowing they can trust Nocoly when delivering projects. The HAP Server edition, rigorously tested through 30-45 days of SaaS operation, guarantees a level of stability that’s rare in the enterprise software market.

  1. https://www.vendr.com/blog/saas-statistics

About Nocoly

Nocoly is founded by a group of  enterprise software industry veterans, who believe many of the industry’s problems need to be addressed by different ways.

  • DevOps is getting extremely expensive for both ISVs and end customers.
  • Enterprise suite apps are too complicated to implement in many occasions.
  • The people who has the business know how and the people who can develop apps are always departed.

Nocoly’s flagship product, Hyper Application Platform (HAP) is a response for all above challenges. It starts from a No Code application building approach, and expand its capability by adding Hyper Automation and Integration features. This versatility makes HAP a handy tool when solve variety of digital management problems. 

With Cloud Native architecture, HAP is so easy to be installed on customer’s own cloud. On Premise is not expensive any more. You can even get a buy-out pricing option to dramatically reduce your IT spending and subscription burden.

Also, our production innovation optimizes business model. VAR partners can participate into HAP’s ecosystem to build their own vertical solutions and achieve much higher return on investment. 

There are still many heavy and expensive stuff in enterprise digitization domain, such as big data, internet of things, analytics and AIGC implementation. Nocoly’s mission is to make more of them nocoly. 

Our product is already in many clouds worldwide. Getting HAP up and running is easy and quick.  Jump to our SaaS signup or install on your own server can be minutes away. Begin your HAP story today.